Ralph's Community Contribution Program
Prevailing receives a percentage when you shop at Ralph's.
Register your rewards card today! Learn about the program here.
Website registration instructions (if you have not registered your cards online):
Log in to www.ralphs.com
Click on "Create an Account" under ClickList
Follow the easy steps to create an online account
You will be instructed to go to your email inbox to confirm your account
After you confirm your online account by clicking on the link in your email, return to www.ralphs.com and click on ‘Sign In’, enter your email address and password.
View all your information and edit as necessary
Link your card to your organization by clicking on:
Community Rewards - Enroll
Type our number (91860) or name (Prevailing In Christ Ministries)
Remember to click on the circle to our organizations’ name
Click on Enroll to finish your enrollment process
Website registration instructions (if you have already registered your cards online):
Log in to www.ralphs.com
Click "Sign In"
Enter your email address and password
Click on ‘Your Name’ (In the top right hand corner)
View all your information and edit as necessary
Link your card to your organization by clicking on:
Community Rewards – Re-Enroll
Type our number (91860) or name (Prevailing In Christ Ministries)
Remember to click on the circle to our organizations’ name
Click on Enroll to finish your enrollment process